Beer Brothers Podcast: Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb!

Our mom, Linda, was recently listening to the fairly famous show – Car Talk on NPR. In her own words, she has no real interest in anything automotive but she loves the show. She knows my brother, Tyler, and I love to talk about beer and an idea was formed – PODCAST! Of all the endless ideas Tyler and I are floating back and forth, leave it to the Mother to come up with one we can actually execute on. Guess that’s why she’s the parent 🙂

Now, please be gentle. This is our first episode. It’s probably a bit rough. Scratch that, it probably sounds like shit. BUT – there is a surprisingly steep learning curve to go from phone call banter to a podcast magically appearing on iTunes. What I’m trying to say is, I got impatient trying to make this thing perfect and desperately needed to post SOMETHING. I promise, they’ll get better as we go.

In this inaugural show, we discuss Bomb!, an imperial stout aged on aged on espresso beans, chocolate, vanilla beans, and ancho chile peppers from Prairie Artisan Ales out of Oklahoma. With Tyler in San Diego and me in St. Louis, the idea is to look for beers we can both buy locally. So take a listen and let us know what you think!